Know If People Like What You Share On Social Media

September 2nd, 2014 Social Media No Comments

Let’s say you’re sharing your blog’s content on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.  How will you know if your content is being shared and is well received?  Here are a few tips for each social media channel.


If you have a Facebook page and at least thirty followers, go to your page and click on the insights tab.

Then, go to the posts area and see if your posts are reaching users and people are engaging with them.


With this information, you can determine what content users respond well to on social media and adjust your content.



Let’s say you want to learn if the posts your share on LinkedIn are getting clicks, likes, comments, shares, etc.  First, become a connection with the profile administrator for the company or organization you’re posting for (if you’re not that administrator already) and have them designate you as an administrator.


Once you’re an administrator, you’ll be able to see page insights and analytics.



In this area, you can see impressions, likes, shares, followers acquired and other stats that let you know if your posts are helping you move the needle.  This is available even if you’re not advertising.



Twitter Analytics is available to all users, if even if you are not advertising.  Login with the same login you use for regular twitter to  Then click on analytics, and see if people are engaging with your content.



Login to google with the same google account email address you use to share content on youtube.  Then, go to  Click on the analytics tab to see stats on the performance of the content you share on YouTube.

With this information, you can see what content users like and don’t like, and make more of what people want.

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