Nowadays, it seems like everyone has a blog. Which is a great thing! You can pretty much find a blog on just about anything you want. (I just googled “blog on watching grass grow” — and yes, it totally exists). So, this is awesome, right? There are all these thoughts, ideas, and content out there for any and everyone. If you’re anything like me, you see all this great information being provided to people out there, and you, too, feel like you should be able to contribute to the knowledge pot! But where do you start?
The summer after I graduated from college, I had a lot of “free time,” so to speak. I filled that free time with inexpensive and time consuming activities; one of those activities just so happened to be cooking. I would go the local market, pick out some produce and food that I had no idea how to prepare, and try to make something edible out of it. As the summer dwindled and the cold set in, it was immediately soup season. I loved soup because I was able to invite friends over to share it, or freeze it for the week for quick and tasty leftovers. And that’s when the lightbulb went on — and I realized that this could be some good material for my first blog.
To compare my blog experience with cooking soup: all I know is that I’m hungry but I have no idea what to make. All I’ve got right now is a working title: “Soup! There It is.” This is where my role at AmpliFound comes in. The contributors to this blog are an amazing bunch who really know their stuff. They have extensive experience on what great content looks like and how it’s consistently managed… I, on the other hand, am just along for the ride. I’ve volunteered myself as the guinea pig for AmpliFound recommendations and will hopefully figure out what’s really easy and what stumps bloggers right along with you all.
I’ve outlined some goals for myself during this process. The first is to create a blog with a great user experience and get those eyes to revisit my blog from time to time. The second goal is to update on a consistent basis. I think this is really important and this is makes or breaks it for some bloggers. The third will be to find a community that equally reflects the previous goals. Oh, and of course the most important goal will be to make soup that’s good enough for seconds!