Travel Blogging: Making it Unique

January 27th, 2015 Content, General 1 Comment

There is no proper formula for how to start a travel blog. Each one of your trips is a unique adventure that no one else can experience to quite the same extent. The theme and voice of your travel blog should reflect that and show different corners of the world from your own perspective, allowing your readers to share your experiences as if they’re traveling with you.

If you’re thinking of starting a travel blog of your own, this article will give you a few pointers on finding your voice and bringing your travel tales to an audience that is as excited about your work as you are.

Tell Stories. Be Passionate and Get Personal.
Avoid mundane play-by-plays of your trips. Save them for those quick, one-off Facebook messages you send to your family to let them know you’re still alive. Instead, focus on telling the story of your travels. Share your struggles, your passions, and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and open up. Stories are more compelling when you dare to get personal and are able to forge personal connections with your readers. For instance, rather than writing a basic guide on the best beaches of Brazil, write about your reactions to what you saw, about the people you met, what you talked about, and how you felt stepping outside of your comfort zone. Evoke interest by offering content that resonates with your readers emotionally.

In order to successfully capture the essence of each story you tell, you should take copious notes while traveling. This way, you will avoid relying on your memory when there’s an overwhelming amount of material and sensations for your brain to try and absorb at once. Soak up everything around you and make note of as much as you can without sacrificing your mindfulness in the experience. Have these details handy while you reflect and write so that the memories come flooding back. Writing content with vivid explanations will acquaint your readers with the personality of the place you’re visiting, as if they’re taking the journey with you.

Find Your Niche.
Don’t be afraid to have a niche audience. Being a generalist and trying to attract over 10,000 visitors to your blog post about tourist central places will garner no traction from readers. Rather, going the niche route will help you gather a small following that truly get excited about the stories you share. Be an expert in your chosen subject and provide readers with information they might not be able to find anywhere else. Capitalize on your individual interests and passions to define your blog and find your unique voice.

Also, please make sure to nurture your reader base, no matter how small it might be at the start of your blog. Interact on comments and social media to keep a constant conversation going and grow your online presence. Social media can be used to promote your blog, find other successful or interesting travel bloggers, and engage with other travelers. Building these new relationships will help keep people coming back to your blog and wanting to read your next great piece of content.

Learn From Other Travel Bloggers. (But Don’t Copy Them.)
Get inspiration from other travel blogs, but don’t try to mimic their personal style. Concentrate on and play off your strengths instead of comparing your work to that of other bloggers. Do you have great photography skills but can’t seem to figure out this whole grammar thing? Showcase your creative talent and tell your stories through visuals! Can’t ever seem to find the right angle and light for that perfect landscape shot? Show off those fine-tuned writing skills! Yes, visuals are very important in the travelers’ blogosphere. They are useful in conveying a sense of place and setting a mood which words may not be able to express. Read photography tips for bloggers to give your words a break and let your photography do the talking.


Define What Success Means For You.
Try not to be upset when you don’t get 500 comments saying how wonderful your first post is. Define what success for your blog means for you – whether your goals are to increase traffic to your blog overtime, gain credibility in the travel blogging community and make new travel buddies, or improve your writing or photography.

Remember What Drives You.
No matter how jetlagged, homesick, and just downright cranky you are, you still get out of bed to travel another day. Why? Is it to new meet people with alternative lifestyles and cultures, find the best break dancer in the world, try out cheese from every country, or maybe to inspire others to travel beyond the beaten path? Keep this answer in mind when trying to identify your niche and also when you’re struggling for content ideas after creating your blog. Have passion in what you write about and find what in this world engages you emotionally.

Have any other tips or advice for how to start a travel blog? Please feel free to share!

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